Sunday, February 14, 2010

Leopard Gecko Lamp Whats Better For The Leopard Gecko A Heat Lamp Or An Under Tank Heater?

Whats better for the leopard gecko a heat lamp or an under tank heater? - leopard gecko lamp

IM not sure what I use for my Leo, to use a heat lamp or heating in the tank?


darkcirc... said...

Leopard geckos need heat to digest their food. An under tank heater is the best option, but they must be provided in a controller, a Herpstat Ranco, helix, or even a rheostat. A UTH can burn uncontrolled animal that can reach temperatures above 100F. You want the hot side temperature is between 88-90F in the ground. Use a thermometer or a temperature gun for sure.

Here is an excellent guide page: ...

lynncccn said...

Heat lamp works better than what they have fry bread and rock in the tank or heat can. Keep a thermometer in the tank also

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