Monday, January 4, 2010

What Does Mucus Look Like When Pregnant Does Anyone Know If Your Cervix Mucus Changes When You Become Pregnant?

Does anyone know if your cervix mucus changes when you become pregnant? - what does mucus look like when pregnant

I was wondering if someone knows whether the changes in the cervical mucus as the first time that I am pregnant? I mean, for the purposes of ovulation cervical mucus and wondered if I could be something with the cervical mucus, see if I'm pregnant. My husband and I are TTC, and I think you have the last time we tried, but it is too early to take a pregnancy test. My time is not expected until sometime between August 15-18. All we have is a bad expereincing abdominal sometimes all day, but I'm not sure what it is like to be pregnant (if not hope to concieve), or it could be because I think we've done. They say if you believe that sometimes plays his body, then perhaps I was expecting to find something to look for cervical mucus. I hope this does not lend itself to confusion and misunderstandings in all its forms. Thank you for all the world to this point.


alone1wi... said...

Production is booming, if you are pregnant, the glands, the mucus. This helps the plug of mucus in the cervix, protects against pregnancy and infection form. It is likely that there will be an increase of the download instead of drying, or complete absence of mucus, normally when you near your period. Good luck! :)

alone1wi... said...

Production is booming, if you are pregnant, the glands, the mucus. This helps the plug of mucus in the cervix, protects against pregnancy and infection form. It is likely that there will be an increase of the download instead of drying, or complete absence of mucus, normally when you near your period. Good luck! :)

hotmomma... said...

Yes, I agree with the first answer - the secretion of cervical mucus increases, your body begins to do the mucus plug to close the neck. In addition, some women say that the smell and consistency of the mucus changes when they are pregnant. Just as they already manage your CM, you can probably tell the difference if you become pregnant. For most women have, they say only that the discharge increases to the point, they do not use a pantyliner the feeling that all the time wet. I remember many of discharge during pregnancy, but do not remember whether the discharge differ from the normal.

Just once, I read that control of your cervical mucus and cervical position after ovulation will not help to determine, really, if you are pregnant, because the cervical mucus and the position of the cervix for the post-ovulatory phase - which means that Whether or not you thought, your CM is not significantly increased because the exposure model, observed after ovulation - that would be little discharge - and the position of the cervix are at their level of infertility or less fertile Rated (back collar to be hard and low, as compared to when they are fertile, will be) the cervix was still high and soft. But remember always to do with women - some say they actually feel a significant increase in their discharge if they were pregnant. If you know the normal form of the CM then, as I said earlier, you will be able to make the difference, if any. But do not despair if you do not feel a difference, and I think you have not been pregnant because the possibility exists that you could unknowingly any changes in your cervical mucus. You just have to wait until you can try a pregnancy test when your period.

Goodluck with TTC and hope that she is pregnant. I expect to my time at 15, and we are also TTC, so I'm in the same boat as you.


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